We are currently recruiting for 2 paid roles. Advice Session Superviser and a Money Advisor, please see the 'Work with Us' section.

Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity

We stand for equality

The Equality Act 2010 protects everybody from discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, sex, age, religion or belief, disability (including mental health), gender reassignment, marital/civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity.

Citizens Advice uses an approach to equality based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We believe that our common humanity makes us equal in worth, dignity and rights.

This means that as well as the above we also stand up for equality for people facing social exclusion, poverty, rural isolation, class prejudice and prison. We seek to engage and empower people with direct experience of the issues we advise on.

  • We challenge discrimination through advice
  • We champion equality through research and campaigns
  • We value diversity as an employer and volunteer agency

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